Monday, August 14, 2006

Why? They can't hear you...

So I went to the movies yesterday to see Little Miss Sunshine for the second time. STILL a funny movie in the second viewing. I go to the movies... probably every week... and if not, at least 2 weekends out of the month.

Out of all the movies I've been to, I'd have to say that at least 90% of the movies end with the audience clapping. Honestly... why clap? Was the movie so enjoyable that you feel that clapping will make it all come true? Will the clapping somehow prolong your movie-going enjoyment? Can the actors (and they are actors...) really hear you through that big screen and oh wait... NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU CLAPPING... but the rest of us in the movie theater.

I don't want to tell you to NOT enjoy your movie watching experience. By all means, laugh at the funny parts, I know I will. I'll probably be the loudest one there laughing-- especially if it involves someone falling onscreen. Have a good laugh, even cry if you really want to. Clapping you save for the real theater-- that long lost entertainment where real live people are in front of you acting. Clap for them because they'll actually appreciate it. Somehow I think that Steve Carrell and Johnny Depp and Will Ferrell will somehow appreciate the money you paid to watch their films. And another question for you clappers out there... Do you clap when you're watching at home sitting on the couch in your PJs with your NetFlix???


Anonymous said...

maybe if we start identifying those clappers as "people with the clap" they may stop due to the unwanted association

Anonymous said...

i think those clappers are trying to show off and say "hey, i enjoyed the movie more than you", but you know what - your wrong, dead wrong...i enjoyed that movie so much more than you (without the clapping)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha. to both of you

Anonymous said...

I am THATclapper. Every once in a while a movie is just. that. good. Of course, I didn't clap at the end of Talladega, which is what my friend did.

Though, sometimes? The makers of the movie are actually present in the audience - like when the writer of Finding Neverland sat behind me and bragged about his movie. I wanted to clap at the end of that, but did NOT. Just to tick that braggart off. (And,I hid my tears, too.)

Anonymous said...

went and saw this. it was terrific.