Yay for winter break!
here's a slideshow from the holidays - it includes my tour of the Library of Congress with Joy and then more Abellas than you know what to do with! happy holidays and season's greetings!
"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move." -- Robert Louis Stevenson
here's a slideshow from the holidays - it includes my tour of the Library of Congress with Joy and then more Abellas than you know what to do with! happy holidays and season's greetings!
Posted by
8:45 PM
Seriously... the snow needs to stop. I want to change my statement and say that I DO like snow. I'd like to be able to play in the snow. I would enjoy this last round of snow if it weren't finals. :(
Today I stayed in... I wasn't about to get in the car and sit in traffic. The last storm we had this past week, I was stuck in traffic for 2 hours just getting home from school! Besides, I needed to stay in to write.
I've got 3 papers due this week. And then I'm DONE. About time, too. I've been getting restless (of course) and I'm ready to drive to DC and home. And I'm ready to go to Spain. :) CAN'T. WAIT.
What I'm not looking forward to? Researching NGOs for my second year practicum. At least I know where I'd like to go: Nepal. And I kind of know what I want to focus on: Girls' Education. It's a good thing I have a month off from school to think about other school things.
Posted by
12:08 AM
I really did. Back when it would fall and school would be canceled. Or when you didn't have to do anything but play in the snow or stay indoors. Now I have to drive in it. And go to class (not outdoors, of course...). Snow is only fun if you get to see it from inside where it's warm... or when you get to play in it. Gordon seems to think I've asked for this winter. And I guess I did -- I did move to Boston with the knowledge that they have snow.
Snow is also bound to be more fun when finals are over. Hard to believe the semester has come to a close. No exams for me (luckily)... however not lucky is that I now have 5 papers to write. It'll be over soon... and that's what gets me through the days. Well, that and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. Yay for having a Dunkin Donuts so close! America may not really run on Dunkin Donuts, but I sure as hell do.
Posted by
1:02 AM