Friday, March 09, 2007

I actually did make it back from the PI

It's been forever since I posted here, but after the Philippines and Hong Kong it's been non-stop craziness! The Philippine Islands were great. The night in Hong Kong was really cool! I had a really fun time. I won't post the whole trip in here, but I will add the photos (there's like hundreds--I'm not kidding).
Things to remember: Religious festivals (Sinulog) in religious countries (the Philippines) may lead to human stampedes, everything's cheap in the Philippines, resort stays may be something to look into, throwing up on a plane is NEVER fun, who knew Hong Kong would be so cheap and cool and kind of cold, US Customs officers are NOT friendly, NOT courteous, and ARE jerks, and Viva Pit Senor!

Since the Philippines... Katie AND my parents came to visit (YAY!), it's been non-stop Peace Corps volunteer reunions, everyone and their mother comes to DC all at once, the Eastern Shore is very cool-- and very quiet. I've taken tons of pictures, so take a look if you really need to catch up with me. Or really catch up with me via email/phone/smoke signals/etc.

Peace Out... I'll be better at blogging.

1 comment:

jen said...

And Baltimore (well, Fort McHenry) is fun too!